Customers want an outcome and not actually what you sell

What you're selling is merely a conduit for the achievement of a goal

Customers want an outcome and not actually what you sell
Photo by Domino / Unsplash

Customers want an outcome and not actually what you sell.

In other words, they buy your solution to achieve a desired end state, and not because they want your product or service itself.

What you're selling is merely a conduit for the achievement of a goal.

Five examples of what customers are actually buying:

  • 💵  Customer buys from you: Gym membership
  • 💪 What they actually want: Improved health, weight loss or muscle gain

  • 💵 Customer buys from you: Vacuum cleaner
  • 🏠 What they actually want: A clean home without the time and effort of manual cleaning

  • 💵 Customer buys from you: Meal kit membership
  • 🍴 What they actually want: Yummy home-cooked meals without having to go grocery shopping or recipe planning

  • 💵 Customer buys from you: Tattoo
  • ❤️ What they actually want: Self-expression

  • 💵 Customer buys from you: Health insurance policy
  • 💼 What they actually want: Financial protection against unforeseen medical expenses